Wednesday, July 4

love is a funny thing...

this guy friend and girl friend of mine, they've been together for more than 5 years i think...

the guy is a very, VERY talkative person. my first impression towards him- noisy, suka kacau orang, chi cha (but unexpectedly he still tak tahu malu-ly calls me "chicken butt", because he thinks that i'm noisy, too)

the girl? hmmm.. a well known leng lui in this er.... place =) (very hard for me to praise somebody, i hope she doesn't know i'm talking about her when she reads this *wink*)

somehow i get to talk to the guy more often than the girl (due to his kepohchi-ness of course).
he complains about his girlfriend sometimes. (aiyah you know la, typical boyfriend complaining about his girlfriend)

i've always thought they have this problem between them, due to different lifestyle and expectations, i guess. and as we all know, when a couple have been together for quite some time, different problems will occur...

but on this very hot night, i went to this guy's friendster, and saw testimonials (they call it comments now) his girlfriend left for him...
she wrote about every single things her boyfriend did for her, which obviously touched her heart...

suddenly, i was feeling really sweet, for them of course.
i mean, you should look at the guy's face when he complains about things he has to do for the girl, and the "unhappy-face" the girl has everytime the guy did something wrong.

but deep inside, they loved each other so much.

perhaps i think too much, or i didn't get to express my thoughts very well here; but truthfully, from the bottom of my heart, i feel very happy for them =)
i seriously can't wait to attend their wedding dinner (if i'm invited la~)

to the both of you, if you're reading this, just want you both to know you guys are my "inspiration". muahahahahaha..~ seriously! wishing both of you long lasting happiness and bahagia-ness *hugs*

[ picture of Cupid ]
* kenot find la, try to imagine la!~

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