Monday, July 23

my terrible-est morning

as usual, chin mei lee wants to be a hardworking girl and got up early to attend 8am lecture...

so she rushed out to get a cab...

and got into the train...

jeng jeng jeng...


upon leaving Maluri station (i was on Ampang line, and in STAR LRT, incase some of you might not know)..

the LRT stopped.

chin mei lee tried to remain calm, although she was really rushing...

few seconds later...



tak pe tak pe.. it will be OK soon, meilee said to herself.

TINGGGGG again!!

isk, engine sudah mati o.O

chinmeilee started to panic addy. oh please don't do this to me, i still want to see yeen, she's waiting for me at home. i don't want to leave my friends and family... and i haven't cut my hair, spend enough money, get married, have kids......

okok, jokes aside. LRT broke down. ^%#%%$^%$&^&#

besides being takut + tension + panic a bit la, this aunty standing behind me was doing her own "Chinese-edition news report"

"aiyah, it tit LRT yi chin san san mou wai, i ga gau jor wai wai tei"
(aiyah this LRT, last time new new won't spoil, now old already starting to rosak.
"ying koi hai tin chi ge man tai, yu ko em hai chun bou LRT em yuk tak"
(should be the generator problem, if not all the LRT cannot function)

and then Malay version...
" aiyoh ini LRT ah, selalu losak oh. haiyah ini macam tak buleh oh, manyak lambat oh!"

and then Mandarin version..
"bu ke yi liao, zhen tian huai"
(cannot like this, always spoil)- sorry for the bad pinyin/translation though =p

AUNTY, it's crowded enoughhhhhhhhhh !!! O.o"

anyway, everyone got to go down from the train. Maluri station suddenly turned into Petaling Street. overcrowded is the right word. it takes about half an hour before another train comes, and somehow they connected them, and make the train at the back pushes the one infront. when meilee looked at her watch...

YAYYYY !!! it's 8.05am!!! i'm officially late for my first class!!!

while waiting for the next train, i.. er maybe everyone at the station were entertained by a lady who is not working for RapidKL, asking everyone to stand behind the yellow line. and everyone actually followed her instruction. she even scolded the train itself, for not moving -_-"

"i go lui yan, chi sin geh... yau em hai yi dou zhou kung"
(this lady crazy wan er, not like she's working here also)

then why you even bother to listen to her instruction, AUNTY ???!!!

so i took my own sweet time for my 10am class.

haiyah, why this post like tak menjadi. i was thinking about posting this the whole day, which made me didn't concentrate in class. when it comes out, hmmm.. outcome not as expected. it is supposed to be funny gar ~_~

and i'm suffering from sorethroat now =(

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