Monday, December 24

mei lee pick up something from the dustbin...

and pick up another used wrapping paper from the dustbin as well...

quickly wrapped the "present" as the boy is busy with the pc...

"Merry Christmas! :) "

"oh so sweet! :) thanks :))"

*giggles - Yes! sudah masuk trap!*

*waiting for him to unwrap*


*still waiting*

*finally he unwrapped it! ready to laugh*



(this is called non-stop silly laughing)

mr. oh : "eh, i knew it addy la. i saw u taking something out from the dustbin... GOTCHA hahahahahah"

mei lee: . . . . .


MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! :)

sorry for not updating though, computer in the hospital. kena virus bodoh :(

have a wonderful Christmas, and remember, it's all about Jesus.


Wednesday, December 12

... I'm sorry for not trusting you.
I shouldn't have said those few words, which I believe have hurt you terribly..
I just don't know what I can do- to let you know that I'm really sorry...

Monday, December 10

interesting aspects of life :)

1. Money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created the money.

2. Live your life as simple as you are.

3. Don't do what others say, just listen them- and do what you feel good.

4. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things you feel comfortable.

5. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need rather.

6. Afterall it's your life- why give chance to others to rule our life :)

Not by me.
By Warren Buffet,
the second richest man who donated $31 billion to the charity.

Tuesday, December 4


I know I'm going to have fun, meet new people, gain new experience...

but I hate going through the packing part! o.O"

ladies and gentlemen,

chin mei lee is about to attend the National Leadership Development Seminar (NLDS) for 5 days and 4 night. (5th - 9th Dec)
(wow, it has been reeeeally long since I've attended anything)

have the feeling that I'm going to get homesick -_-"

sorry for not updating the blog though, been quite busy lately- holiday-ing mah~ :p

take care manusia'sss! :)