Thursday, March 27


Yesterday is a day which I call a "Up-and-down" day.

The reason? Many bad things and good things happened on the same day.

Let's start with good things first!

Good things
  • I found out that a lecturer of mine is an ex-BBGSian. Her first reaction when she knew we were from BBGS was - "How could you???" (which sounded like I did something wrong, but it was kinda funny to look at her suprised face)
Anyway she sent us a link, especially for ex-BBGSians you girls can have a look :)
(non BBGSian also can see lar of course...)

  • I went to watch "Entangled- The Musical" organised by PKVUM (Persaudaraan Kristian Varsiti Universiti Malaya). Had a good time :)
  • I had Teppanyaki! :)
  • Best thing of the day- A friend of mine told me "Mei Lee, I'm so glad to have you as my friend". You cannot imagine how I felt- a simple sentence but... it was sweeeeeettt :)

jeng jeng jeng... Here comes the worse part-

Bad Things
  • I had a horrible morning driving to university yesterday. Just don't know why everything seemed wrong on the road yesterday (OK, some might say the problem is with my driving skill... O.o")
  • My house had no water supply -_-"
  • The boy was too busy to talk to me/listen to my problems.
  • Last but not least, main issue of the day- I failed one of my mid-term test. Well, it's kind of an expected one but it felt totally different when it happens. I wanted to just cry and feel good about it after that, unfortunately I didn't find any chance to tell anyone. I chose to sleep, with hope I can forget it- unfortunately I'm still disappointed about it now. So much effort, so many sleepless night...

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