Thursday, August 23

facts about me


when I talk non-stop, it doesn't mean I'm a person who don't take things seriously.

when I don't study in front of you, it doesn't mean I don't study for the exam @ I often don't do my work.

just because I am always laughing and smiling, it doesn't mean I don't have temper, and most importantly, feeling. I am a normal human, too.

when I always make stupid-and-not funny joke, and laugh at myself, it doesn't mean that I am a happy-go-lucky person and therefore, don't have things to worry about. I might have more of it than you.

when my eyes are watery, it's not the dust or I'm sleepy - I am crying.

when I care about you and treat you nicely, I don't expect the same from you. at least just show to me that you know I'm doing something.

and when I didn't do something that you expect from me, I'm sorry, I have my own reasons.

when I'm quiet and stopped talking, don't make fun of me. My mind is thinking about some other things.


Gan Li said...


Anonymous said...

