Sunday, June 24

journey of life

the other day i was in the bus, all excited to go to Times Square to meet up with Pei Yen and the rest of the gang. before i entered the bus, i have to walk from my house to the bus stop- the part that i hate the most because of the heat, the cars, and some people who have "never" seen girls before, they just can't stop kacau-ing.. (they kacau almost every single girl, to clear the misunderstanding).

this explains why i feel so reluctant to take public transport sometimes...

anyway, once i got into the bus, it feels so comfortable that i forgotten about things i have to go through before entering the bus. it made me realised about something- the journey of life. before achieving something, you have to go through a tough process. it may vary for every single individual- for some people it's an easy one, for some (like me), it's definitely not.

still, i believe God has His reason for every single thing; every cloud has its silver lining. perhaps this is what is arranged for me, to make me a tougher and much stronger person to face challenges in life. i don't deny i do envy some of my friends who have everything they need, as for me i have to work hard even just for some simple things. taking a part-time job while studying might sound simple, in fact there are so many "implicit" sacrifices to make- it takes up your studying time, rest time, and most importantly time to hang out with your own friends.

fortunately, i have very understanding friends who understand my situation, and didn't blame me for not being there. in fact sometimes they arranged things so that i could attend it. thanks girls, so much...

there are times i can't think this positively, you know when things get tougher, i will eventually give up and sometimes, blame my family for not being able to give me the luxuriousness i deserved. it's tough, when everyone around you living a comfortable life, and you're not. in the end, i realised it's useless blaming them, i just have to work hard to get what i want, by myself. i should be thankful for having a place to live, having sufficient food and clothes, even have extra pocket money to spend =)

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