Tuesday, July 31

rabbit from airport

once upon a time...

there was this girl, followed her family to the airport (which she forgot which one.. most probably Subang Airport), to send her cousin off to US

when her relatives were buying chocolates from a shop, where they also sell souvenirs etc...

she saw this cute rabbit hanging outside the shop...

born in the year of Rabbit, of course she wanted to buy it... (silly reason)

" mummy mummy can i buy it?? "

(first option will always be mummy although chances of succeeding is super low...)

" N-O.. NOOOO"

"mummy please....."

" no, it's so expensive here. we'll try going somewhere else to buy ok? "


"i said NO!"

( mothers are always like that =p )

feeling disappointed, she went infront of the shop to "mogok", and squatted there, looking at the rabbit. (pretending la, hoping her mummy will give up and finally buy it for her)

and started crying... (this is real)

few minutes later, daddy comes over...

(YESH!acting successful!)

" girl, daddy buy it for u... "

yes!!! thanks daddy! *mata menjeling towards mummy, feeling proud*


that was many many years back...

hmmm.. even now i don't know where i placed my little rabbit. wanted to take a picture of it, but really have no idea where it is..
perhaps it happened too many years back, I almost forgotten about this incident.
until mummy told me this morning :)
and she said, at that time my daddy didn't have much money (times were tough back then)
but he bought it for me because i liked it so much...

and now..
we are planning to purchase a car for my use..
and many things need to be taken into consideration (mainly financial matters)..

mummy was against the idea..

but daddy said, once i want something, if they don't buy it for me, i will not give up...


i was speechles after hearing it...

and then i realised...

he is trying really hard...


oot-oot said...

you are one lucky daughter of your father, my dear...


Anonymous said...


ya i know.. just that sometimes, most of the time i don't know how to appreciate it...

will be insaf soon! :)