Sunday, August 12

the rich-and-poor theory

i have a theory to introduce.

but, no criticism will be accepted.


you know why rich people will be rich forever, and poor people will be poor forever?
or let's put it this way; rich people will get richer and poor people will get poorer? (isn't it the same...)

Assumption : 1 rich person, 1 poor person.

Rich get to study in a good school/college/university.

Good school = Expensive = Most rich people will study there

therefore, Rich meets mooooooooooore rich peoplesssssssss in school.

Rich make friends with rich people.

Rich girl pak toh with Rich Boy.

Rich girl got married to Rich boy = another rich family.

After having children, the child is also rich. oh you Little Richie.

and the cycle goes on and on.

just replace the word "Rich" to "Poor", and you'll have another Poor story.


can't deny the fact that if poor people work hard enough (and i mean extra hard compared to rich people) , poor can be rich too! :)

but how many people actually have that kind of high-level determination, perseverance etc etc?


don't blame me, okay?
just some silly thoughts which popped up during my horrible journey back home this evening.

the weather is terrible these few days..

feels like I'm falling sick (I hope)

an hour feels like a day now.

call me dependent but that is exactly what I'm feeling right now.

and it's always raining, especially when I'm feeling down.

maybe He knows what I'm going through and wants me to know that I'm not alone?



Gan Li said...

theory nancy?

its kinda true. but i disagree with rich girl pak toh with rich boy?
every individual's DIFFERENT.

yuanlih said...

being in a rich family doesn't mean you don't need to work hard. you theory is wrong. some rich kids may be brats, but i am sure the world has lots of different people. and some less fortunate ones may continue to be as they are cause they don't want to work hard to change their condition. don't stereotype too much darling. you know that all the riches in the world is God's gift. and He can take it back anytime He wants.

Anonymous said...

gg ! :)
yes i wanna name it, but don't want theory nancy la. the name is horrible although i'm getting used to it already...

heheh in my case proven true! (in the poor sense) :p


yl ! :)
eh, i didn't say being in a rich family, u won't have to work hard. i was just saying poor people have to work extra hard compared to the rich ones to get what they want. sorry if it sounds offensive, didn't mean that -_-"

and i do agree that some rich people actually work hard. for example, erm, u? =D

yuanlih said...

i am not rich. my dad is. :)
actually we are considered fortunate compared to half of the population in the country, come to think of it.

Gan Li said...

erm erm
i think meilee's the richest lor
she has her own income..

Anonymous said...

hehe i know :)
at least i have sufficient food and clothes... er, maybe not clothes.. kekekekekeke

eh, i think my income is much lower than ur allowance monthly la! muahahahahhaa...~
nvm, i will take it as a compliment anyway :)

yuanlih said...

g is right. you kaya la.
we makan from parents. but you earn your living.

ML said...

wah, that's a much better way to comfort me. weekkekkekekekkek!