in one of the modules, all of us were required to fill up these 4 components :
- myself
- my family
- my university
- my career
to write down precisely what we want in these 4 important aspects of our life.
motivational talks never work for Ms. Chin, but this one kept me thinking almost the whole day...
i took quite some time to think of what I really want in life, and I've failed tremendously.
hoping that it's not too late to realise, I actually have no idea of what I want, AT ALL.
just wondering whether it's normal to forget what you've always wanted when you were in primary school. remember the yellow card where we're supposed to write down our ambitions? I remember writing Teacher (which is totally impossible now), Businesswoman and Lawyer (I choose to drop this too-ambitious ambition).
sometimes I truly hope I will have those determination to succeed in life, back to me again. I realised that I don't really wanna get married... too soon *wink* But it's like I've lost my direction, just doing my degree without knowing what I really want. the feeling is torturing me, so much. some might say "aiya, it's normal wan la, at this stage of life you're still unsure what you want".
But I don't want to continue being lost. I don't want to be distracted, but I don't deny the fact that I do get distracted very easily and therefore, will tend to forget what I want... always. I want to be back on track, I don't want to regret after graduation.
oh mei lee, stop complaining...
anyway, some of you might have watched this. just want to share. left me in tears today :(
Kiss- Because I'm A Girl.
if you're reading this, start thinking of what you want, and take action. don't be like me. sigh sigh... (told ya, the talk really worked on me...)